Sunday, 21 November 2010

Old reminders of what makes me happy.

Autumn walk along Regents canal last year. Hass gave me a film camera that I spent the whole walk trying out. The light was very fortunate. All naturally golden.

This light could make even the most terrifying part of London romantic.


Ice fishing at lake Sommen last winter. Hass very brave and stylish in leather sole brogues. Brrrr! We didn't get any fish.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Strawberry Girl

Let me present to you, The Strawberry Girl. She absolutely terrifies me.
It was first exhibited at the Royal Academy of Art in London in 1773. It was painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds who is claimed to be the most popular portrait painter who ever lived.
If you fancy giving yourself a bit of a scare whilst visiting London you can go see her in person at the
Wallace Collection . Make sure you don' get too close to the painting, she might just pull you in to her own world.

Sunday, 14 November 2010


My love and I went to Basque Country (Euskal Herria in Basque) to visit some very good friends of ours - Ane and Katza. We had the most amazing time that is better described in pictures than in words.

The first night we were treated to a super nice experience at a Gastronomical Club which is a typically Basque thing where you get together and eat, socialise and eat some more. The one we went to is called Txoko and after dinner and endless bottles of wine there was of course time for a cigar.

photo: Matt Hass


Beers, Martinis and sunshine. Appetizers before lunch.

The Guggenheim, Bilbao

The Guggenheim building is really quit impressive. It changes it's shape from every angle. When you enter the city it's the first thing you see. From there it looks like a ship. Apparently that's representing the shipping yards that used to be there.

photo: Matt Hass

This is a permanent exhibition by American artist Richard Serra. It was so big! Read more about it here. I just wonder how the hell they got it all in there.

Ane in one of the "pieces". The sound in there was so incredible we couldn't stop laughing. Ecococococo!

They also had some work by Jeff Koons

We went on a road trip through the mountains towards the sea.

Pintxos and beer by the sea

Katza is loving the leopard

photo: Matt Hass


San Sebastian

We wanted to spoil our hosts so we took them for lunch at Ni Neu. It's traditional cuisine with a modern touch. If you ever get to San Sebastian you have to go there. The food is amazing and it's located by the sea. There was a storm stirring up at the time which made it all even more beautiful. This is what it looked like a day later later.

We also went to the aquarium.

photo: Matt Hass

I Love this photo.

The sniffy babies say bye bye.